Black Ops 6 Zombies Liberty Lanes with Mangler in background

All Dark Ops Challenges

Strategies, tips, and requirements to complete each challenge and unlock exclusive rewards.

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, the Zombies mode offers a plethora of challenging and rewarding Dark Ops challenges that test players' skills, strategy, and dedication. Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate and complete all 18 Zombies Dark Ops challenges.

List of Zombies Dark Ops Challenges

The Zombies mode in Black Ops 6 features 18 Dark Ops challenges, each with unique objectives that range from surviving high rounds to completing intricate Easter eggs. These challenges provide exclusive rewards, including unique Calling Cards, some of which are animated.

1. Reaper Of The Undead

Objective: Kill 1,000,000 Zombies.

Tips: This is a cumulative challenge that requires multiple sessions. Focus on efficient farming, use power-ups, and maximize kills per round to speed up your progress.

Reaper Of The Undead

2. Armed To The Teeth

Objective: Equip three Pack-a-Punched, Level III, Legendary Rarity weapons with Ammo Mods and have 8 Perks active.

Tips: Fully upgrade two Legendary weapons to Pack-a-Punch Level III with Ammo Mods, then swap one for another Legendary weapon and upgrade it. Ensure all eight perks are active. Utilize side Easter eggs or dropped Legendary weapons to speed up the process.

Armed To The Teeth

3. Social Distancing

Objective: Reach Round 20 without taking damage.

Tips: Use a powerful loadout weapon and a useful Field Upgrade like Aether Shroud. Collect Salvage to build Chopper Gunners to help clear rounds without getting hit. Consider attempting this in a private game with friends for added protection.

Social Distancing

4. Strike!

Objective: Get 300 score while Bowling at Liberty Falls.

Tips: Focus on achieving high scores in the Bowling mini-game at Liberty Falls. Practice and timing are key to reaching the required score.


5. Liberated

Objective: Complete the Liberty Falls Easter Egg in less than 30 minutes in Standard Mode.

Tips: Time management is crucial here. Know the steps for the Liberty Falls Easter Egg and execute them efficiently to complete it within the time limit.


6. Yo Ho Ho

Objective: On Terminus, earn 20K Essence without getting hit with the Cursed Relic equipped.

Tips: This challenge requires careful navigation and avoidance of zombie attacks while the Cursed Relic is equipped. Use your environment and power-ups wisely to avoid damage.

Yo Ho Ho

7. Terminal

Objective: Finish the Terminus Easter Egg after Round 50 in Standard Mode.

Tips: Ensure you have the necessary items and follow the Easter Egg steps carefully.


8. Another Round?

Objective: Reach Round 100.

Tips: Opt for the Liberty Falls map, as it is easier to survive high rounds here. Use scorestreaks like the Chopper Gunner and Mutant Injection to clear rounds quickly. Save and quit on bug rounds to skip them when reloading the game.

Another Round?

9. Good Enough

Objective: Reach Round 20 relying only on your starting weapons and no upgrades.

Tips: This challenge is quite stringent. Here are the key points to keep in mind:

  • Use only your starting loadout; do not pick up any dropped weapons, buy weapons from walls, or get weapons from the Mystery Box.
  • Do not use any Field Upgrades, Perks, or Ammo Mods.
  • Unequip all Augments before starting the game.
  • You can buy ammo from crates around the map and use Power-Up pickups like Insta-Kill, the Nuke, and Max Ammo.
  • You can upgrade the rarity of your starting weapon and Pack-a-Punch it up to Level 3 without violating the challenge.
  • Choose a reliable starting weapon, such as the GS35, to maintain distance and effectively shoot enemies.
  • Consider using the Jet Gun to clear hordes of zombies quickly, if available on the map.
Good Enough

10. Invincible

Objective: Reach Round 30 without going down.

Tips: Choose a map you are comfortable with, such as Terminus or Liberty Falls. Use powerful loadout weapons and Field Upgrades like Aether Shroud to stay hidden from zombies. Collect Salvage to build Chopper Gunners for clearing rounds safely.


11. Harbinger Of Doom

Objective: Kill 100 enemies with a single Scorestreak.

Tips: Reach a high round (Round 30-35 or above), gather a large horde of zombies, and activate a powerful Scorestreak like the Mutant Injection. Use melee to kill as many zombies as possible.

Harbinger Of Doom

12. Box Addict

Objective: Buy every weapon from the Mystery Box in a single match.

Tips: Play to a high round to amass points, allowing you to continuously spin the Mystery Box until you’ve acquired each weapon. With over 30 weapons, this will take plenty of points and time.

Box Addict

13. Sticks n' Stones

Objective: Reach Round 25 solo using only melee weapons, combat axes, and the Melee Macchiato.

Tips: This challenge requires a high level of skill and strategy. Use your melee weapons efficiently and take advantage of any power-ups that can aid in your survival.

Sticks n' Stones

14. Well That Was A Waste

Objective: Get downed within 10 seconds after consuming a Perkaholic GobbleGum.

Tips: This challenge requires precise timing. Consume the Perkaholic GobbleGum and immediately put yourself in harm's way to get downed within the time limit.

Well That Was A Waste

15. Gummed Up

Objective: Get downed within 10 seconds after consuming a Perkaholic GobbleGum.

Tips: Similar to "Well That Was A Waste," this challenge requires precise timing and immediate danger after consuming the GobbleGum.

Gummed Up

16. Fatale

Objective: Kill two Amalgams with a single shot.

Tips: This challenge is only possible from Round 25 onward on Terminus. Ensure you have an Instakill power-up active and a Level 3 Pack-a-Punched legendary-rarity weapon. Aim for both Amalgams to take them down with one powerful shot.


17. Kunoichi

Objective: During a single use of Aether Shroud with the Void Sheath Augments equipped, kill three zombies, two special zombies, and an elite zombie.

Tips: Use the Aether Shroud strategically to avoid damage while targeting the required zombies. The Void Sheath Augments are crucial for this challenge.


18. Light ‘Em Up

Objective: Using the Big Game Augment for Napalm Burst, kill 10 Ignited Elite Zombies in a single match.

Tips: Utilize the Big Game Augment effectively to ignite and kill the required number of Elite Zombies.

Light ‘Em Up

Tips for Completing Zombies Dark Ops Challenges

  • Map Selection: Choose maps that you are comfortable with and that offer the best opportunities to complete the challenges. Liberty Falls and Terminus are popular choices.
  • Power-Ups and Scorestreaks: Utilize power-ups and scorestreaks to clear rounds quickly and safely.
  • Team Play: Some challenges are easier with a team, especially those requiring protection or additional firepower.
  • Practice and Patience: Many of these challenges require multiple attempts and a lot of practice to master.
  • Resource Management: Efficiently manage your points and resources to maximize your chances of completing the challenges.

Rewards and Benefits

Completing these Dark Ops challenges not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also rewards players with unique Calling Cards, some of which are animated. Additionally, completing a majority of these challenges can unlock extra rewards and enhance your overall gaming experience.

By following this guide and dedicating time to each challenge, you can unlock all the Zombies Dark Ops challenges in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and elevate your gameplay to the next level.